Veterinary B-ultrasound Equipment

Industry News

The role of B-ultrasound in cattle reproduction in several modern reproductive technologies

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Update time : 2024-09-01 14:12:52

Modern breeding technology in cow farms mainly includes synchronized estrus, superovulation, embryo transfer, embryo splitting, in vitro fertilization, sex control, early pregnancy diagnosis with B-ultrasound in cattle, and live egg collection technology guided by B-ultrasound in cattle.

Superovulation, referred to as superovulation, is to inject gonadotropin at the appropriate time of the estrus cycle of the female livestock, so that more follicles develop and ovulate in the ovaries than under natural conditions. There are many factors that affect the effect of superovulation. Generally, the same method is used for different breeds and individuals, and the effect varies greatly. Generally, during ultrasonic ovulation, it is necessary to use B-ultrasound technology for cattle to check the effect regularly. The superovulation effect of young cows is better than that of multiparous cows; the superovulation effect in the early postpartum period and the peak of lactation is poor. In addition, the dosage of gonadotropin, the interval from the previous superovulation to the current estrus, and the egg collection time can all affect the superovulation effect. It is very necessary to monitor the effect of superovulation with B-ultrasound in cattle.

The role of B-ultrasound in cattle reproduction in several modern reproductive technologies(图1)

Early pregnancy diagnosis, early pregnancy diagnosis of dairy cows is an urgent problem to be solved in cattle production. Early pregnancy diagnosis mainly includes manual observation, rectal examination, B-ultrasound instrument examination for cattle, determination of progesterone content in blood or milk or detection by kits. Different methods have different accuracy, but most methods are above 85%-90%. Among these methods, B-ultrasound technology for cattle is relatively accurate.

In short, to improve the fertility of cows, we must first understand the factors that affect the fertility of cows, and then take corresponding measures for different situations to improve the fertility of cows as much as possible.


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