Position and detection method of B-ultrasound probe for cattle
The selection of B-ultrasound probes for cattle. The selection of probes during B-ultrasound ultrasound exploration for cattle actually refers to the selection of probe type and frequency. Generally speaking, a B-ultrasound probe for cattle can only emit ultrasound waves of one frequency. Therefore, if you want to change the exploration frequency, you must replace the probe. The selection of probe frequency mainly depends on clinical practice experience. Although high-frequency B-ultrasound probes for cattle have strong visualization and resolution, and can clearly visualize tissue structure and pathological structure, their penetration is low and they cannot visualize organs and tissue lesions in deeper parts. On the contrary, low-frequency probes have deeper exploration sites, but lack visualization effects and resolution capabilities. Therefore, when detecting superficial tissues and lesions, high-frequency probes should be used as much as possible. When detecting deeper tissues or lesions, high-frequency probes should be used as much as possible while ensuring the detection depth. At present, 5MHz linear array rectal probes are mostly used for cattle B-ultrasound examinations in China. 5MHz linear array rectal probes can simultaneously meet the requirements of ultrasonic resolution and penetration during cattle B-ultrasound rectal examinations, and the images are clear and intuitive.
When using B-ultrasound to explore the position of dairy cows, attention should be paid to the changes in the anatomical position of the reproductive organs of cows under different circumstances when using B-ultrasound to explore the rectum of cows. The ovaries of young cows are located slightly below the midpoint of the lateral edge of the pelvic entrance, while the uterine horns of multiparous cows gradually droop into the abdominal cavity due to the increase in parity, and the ovaries also move forward to the front and lower edge of the pubic bone and enter the abdominal cavity. Therefore, it should be carefully distinguished when using B-ultrasound to explore cows.
link: https://www.bxlimage.com/nw/185.html
tags: B-ultrasound for cattle