Veterinary B-ultrasound Equipment

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Observation of reproductive technical infertility in ewes by B-ultrasound

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Update time : 2024-09-02 15:18:30

The infertility caused by ewe breeding technology is mainly caused by the accuracy of estrus identification and breeding technology. Since the estrus symptoms of sheep are not obvious, especially the estrus of sheep, the estrus of ewes cannot be detected in time, resulting in missed breeding or untimely breeding, which causes infertility. Therefore, when identifying estrus, it is best to use sheep B-ultrasound for identification; poor artificial insemination technology, improper semen processing and insemination technology, no pregnancy examination or unskilled examination technology, and failure to detect non-pregnant ewes in time are also the main causes of infertility. It is necessary to perform sheep B-ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis after breeding. To prevent the occurrence of breeding technology infertility, we must first improve the level of breeding technology, formulate and strictly follow the system and procedures for estrus identification, pregnancy examination, and breeding, and it is best to use sheep B-ultrasound diagnosis. Make good preparations for delivery and midwifery, and deal with postpartum diseases in time. In addition, we should vigorously publicize and popularize scientific knowledge about reproduction, gradually achieve no missed mating, accurate estrus identification and B-ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis, no wrong mating, no missed best mating period, no blind mating, skilled and accurate inspection technology, correct and timely insemination and mating.

Observation of reproductive technical infertility in ewes by B-ultrasound(图1)

On-site training of B-ultrasound for sheep

Aging infertility refers to premature aging of ewes that have not reached the estrus period, and premature decline of reproductive function. B-ultrasound observation of ovaries can reveal ovarian atrophy. Ewes that have reached the estrus period have lost their reproductive ability due to the decline of their whole body functions, and have lost their value in production and should be eliminated. B-ultrasound observation of sheep shows that the ovaries of aging ewes are small, with no follicles and corpora lutea. The uterine horns of multiparous ewes are loose and sagging, and secretions are often retained in the uterus. The uterine horns of ewes with many pregnancies are reduced and shortened. The appearance of such ewes also shows aging. If they are repeatedly infertile, they should be eliminated.


tags: ewes by B-ultrasound
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