B-ultrasound examination of postpartum exudative metritis in dairy cows
Cow B-ultrasound is used to observe exudative uterine inflammation in dairy cows. This is a manifestation of worsening uterine myositis. Cow B-ultrasound is used in conjunction with rectal examination. The difference is that during rectal examination, a large amount of liquid between mucus and urine often flows out, while during cow B-ultrasound examination, a large amount of liquid dark area can be seen in the uterus. Iodine preparations or astringent drugs can be used experimentally during treatment. Organic uterine lesions with poor prognosis, such as adhesions, myomas, and abscesses, still need to be checked and treated with cow B-ultrasound after treatment. Salpingitis and ovarian adhesions are mostly secondary to uterine diseases, and clinical treatment is of little significance, so they should be actively eliminated.
B-ultrasound on-site training center for cattle
Myometritis in dairy cows is caused by the toxins produced by long-term chronic endometritis stimulating the uterine muscle, causing myofibroblast exudation and swelling, overall thickening of the uterine muscle, reduced elasticity, and mucosal damage. The above factors together have a serious impact on the neuroendocrine function, circulatory metabolic system, immune system, etc. of the uterus, directly reducing ovarian function, manifested as long-term estrus. When observing cattle with B-ultrasound, it can be seen that there are sometimes follicles but no estrus. Rectal examination can be diagnosed by two methods: control and finger pressure. The treatment of myometritis is different from other uterine inflammations. Due to long-term inflammatory reactions, mucosal hyperplasia and lesion ulcers, it is difficult for antibiotics to penetrate these barriers.
After diagnosis by B-ultrasound combined with rectal examination, the treatment plan is divided into three steps:
(1) Strongly irritating drugs to quickly form acute inflammatory reactions on the mucosal ulcer surface.
(2) Use Chinese medicine preparations to fight inflammation and reduce swelling, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and at the same time combine antibiotic preparations and oxytocin. Promote the removal of inflammatory products by the blood circulation of the uterine muscle. At the same time, apply astragalus polysaccharide or intramuscular injection of vitamin ADE injection 20mL to enhance the body's immune function.
(3) Use oil to help the mucosa repair after the overall contraction of the uterus. The above three-step treatment method can also be used for chronic uterine inflammation. The course of treatment is generally 20 days, and the cure rate can reach more than 90%.
link: https://www.bxlimage.com/nw/226.html
tags: B-ultrasound B-ultrasound examination