Image post-processing function of veterinary B-ultrasound system
For archiving veterinary B-ultrasound images, the workstation has the ability to store images in the short term. At the same time, the C-STORE service can be used to send veterinary B-ultrasound images and related information to the image archiving server, which will archive them and return a C-STORE response message.
For querying and extracting veterinary B-ultrasound images, the C-GET service can be used to retrieve the queried veterinary B-ultrasound images from the archiving server for viewing or diagnosis.
Veterinary B-ultrasound auxiliary diagnosis, veterinary B-ultrasound imaging workstation has powerful image post-processing capabilities, and can be used as an auxiliary diagnosis workstation to perform veterinary B-ultrasound image post-processing.
Veterinary B-ultrasound system storage service, a specific DIC0M communication: the veterinary B-ultrasound image acquisition workstation sends a DIC0M storage function service request through the API; the veterinary B-ultrasound system DIC0M server constructs an application entity and puts the API parameters into the application entity context; the application entity calls the corresponding DIC0M upper-layer service function according to the context function requirements, which is the storage service here;
The veterinary B-ultrasound system DIC0M upper-layer service forms a TCP packet with relevant parameters and passes it to the TCP Socket; the TCP/IP service of the veterinary B-ultrasound operating system transmits data to the target computer through the physical network; after receiving the information, the target computer sends back the response information.
It realizes real-time image acquisition, single-frame acquisition, multi-frame acquisition, post-processing of veterinary B-ultrasound images, and input, editing, communication, processing, query, and transmission of sick animal data. It can also communicate data with the PACS system using the DI COM standard to achieve real-time transmission of image data.
tags: veterinary B-ultrasound veterinary B-ultrasound images