Veterinary B-ultrasound Equipment

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Bovine B ultrasound was used to diagnose ovarian inflammation and other diseases in cows

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Update time : 2024-09-02 16:27:45

Ovarian inflammation in cows leads to the decrease of hormone levels in the body and the inability to maintain normal physiological functions. Cows are not in estrus, even if they are in estrus, ovulation will be delayed or abnormal ovum will be expelled. Abnormal follicles on the ovaries can be seen during bovine B-ultrasound observation, and endometritis, myoinjection and streptomycin can also be found during bovine B-ultrasound observation of the uterus. At the same time, 400,000 units of penicillin and 100,000 units of streptomycin were dissolved in 200 ml of normal saline and injected into the uterus, and the duration of medication was determined according to the severity of the condition.

Bovine B ultrasound was used to diagnose ovarian inflammation and other diseases in cows(图1)

Ovarian atrophy in dairy cows is mainly caused by poor recovery of reproductive organs after long-term disease, and also manifested in the failure of feed nutrition level of high-yield transproductive cattle to meet reproductive needs, resulting in long-term non-periodic ovarian activity, and then ovarian atrophy. B-ultrasound examination of cattle found that ovarian volume was reduced. It is mainly manifested in postpartum long time without estrus, bovine ovaries with B-ultrasound combined with direct examination are small and hard, which can occur on one side or both sides at the same time. Treatment: Early detection of reproductive organ diseases, early treatment, cure thoroughly, malnutrition can be given vitamin E and selenium, and combined with pregnant horse serum gonadotropin to induce estrus.

Cattle B-ultrasound training site

The ovaries of cows are static, and malnutrition leads to long-term non-estrus. The ovaries of cows with B-ultrasound combined with direct test are normal in size, soft and elastic in texture, undeveloped or small follicles, and the amount of vaginal secretions is small. For such cattle, the ovaries, uterus and cervix can be gently massaged once every other day. Combined with intramuscular injection of 20 mg of ethylstilbestrol, 100 µg of progesterone No. 3, 500 mg of progesterone, continuous intramuscular injection for 3 days, bovine B-ultrasound observed 5-7 days later if no luteum or follicle appeared, another time; Or use pregnant horse serum and other gonadotropin analogues to promote ovarian secretion of estrogen, maintain normal sexual function of cows and promote follicle development


tags: Bovine B ultrasound
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