Seven advantages of using B-ultrasound machine for diagnosing cow pregnancy compared to blood testing
Many fertility management personnel use blood tests to manage herds. We can provide better alternative methods for conducting blood tests on animals. If you are conducting any fertility management work on the farm, you should consider the following seven reasons why using a B-ultrasound machine for cattle is superior to blood testing.
1. Cattle use ultrasound to save time: Veterinarians and producers can use ultrasound to know early whether the cow is open or pregnant. The IBEX SurperLite bovine ultrasound machine is a high-precision tool for diagnosing pregnancy after mating, with an early 25 day detection. Obtaining results from blood tests can be very slow (test results may take up to five days), allowing producers a lot of time to inadvertently sell breeding heifers or miss the breeding season of open heifers. The blood test results arrive within a few days after sample collection, so a second processing may be required for the required cattle. This caused extra time and pressure for the cows.
2. Using B-ultrasound machine to save money for cows: Early understanding of the breeding status of cows means that veterinarians or producers can make immediate decisions on breeding or elimination, rather than wasting money or even vaccinating prepared animals and going to the market.
3. The use of B-ultrasound Machines in cattle makes herd management decisions easier: it can also remind managers of multiples, fetal survival, and other reproductive tract conditions, enabling them to make decisions about animal reproductive potential. In short, ultrasound is irreplaceable.
4. By using a B-ultrasound machine, we can obtain more information at the same price - twins, fetal gender, ovarian diagnosis, pathological diagnosis, fetal abnormalities, etc. - while reducing the convenience of cow processing
The B-ultrasound machine can not only measure the fetus itself, but also the fluid in the amniotic sac The size of the fetus is very consistent among various breeds and there is no seasonal variation. Even within the same species, there can be significant differences in the amount of body fluids between animals, which can decrease in hot weather and have advantages in diagnosing reproductive problems.
6. By using a B-ultrasound machine for cows, we can obtain more information at the same price - twins, fetal gender, ovarian diagnosis, pathological diagnosis, fetal abnormalities, etc. - while reducing the convenience of cow processing
7. It is crucial for cows to use ultrasound machines to identify the corpus luteum or CL on embryonic receptors.
tags: B-ultrasound machine B-ultrasound machine for cattle