Boxerly Veterinary ultrasound Equipment

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How accurate is the use of animal B-ultrasound machine in detecting early pregnancy in ewes?

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Update time : 2024-09-05 15:50:20

Early pregnancy testing should be conducted on sheep during the breeding season to improve the breeding efficiency of the flock. It is recommended to separate non pregnant ewes from pregnant ewes in order to reduce feed costs. This will also help minimize miscarriage, stillbirth, and weak lamb births in ewes.

In addition, intensive sheep management is adopted through the application of emerging assisted reproductive technologies such as artificial insemination; Accurate early pregnancy diagnosis is required in the sheep industry for estrus and estrus synchronization outside of the breeding season, which requires detection using Veterinary Ultrasound machines.

How accurate is the use of animal B-ultrasound machine in detecting early pregnancy in ewes?

Accuracy of using B-ultrasound machine to detect pregnancy in ewes

By using a Veterinary Ultrasound Machine, early pregnancy detection and other reproductive diseases can be more accurately performed on ewes. Due to its non-invasive, simple, and fast practical characteristics, animal B-ultrasound machines have become a very commonly used breeding equipment for detecting ewe pregnancy.

During the first 20-30 days of pregnancy in ewes, the presence of the uterus in the pelvic cavity makes the transrectal method more suitable for pregnancy diagnosis compared to the transabdominal method, which also requires shaving the ventral part of the body. By using a transrectal ultrasound machine to detect the presence of hypoechoic intrauterine fluid, sheep pregnancy can be diagnosed on the first 17-19 days of pregnancy. The embryo itself can be imaged between the 21st and 34th days of pregnancy, and placental visualization can be performed on the same day.

High definition veterinary ultrasound machine for detecting pregnancy in ewes

The Animal B-ultrasound machine can perform abdominal examination on ewes 25 days after mating, with high accuracy. Transrectal ultrasound for multiple assessments of sheep pregnancy can solve various mysteries and dilemmas related to late stage embryo and fetal loss in sheep.


tags: animal B-ultrasound machine B-ultrasound machine animal B-ultrasound
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