Boxerly Veterinary ultrasound Equipment

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The importance of using a cow ultrasound machine for pre examination of cattle

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Update time : 2024-09-05 16:10:42

When beginners use bovine ultrasound machines for pregnancy testing, the testing speed may be relatively slow, but once they become proficient, the testing speed will be very fast. And it can provide more information than other detection methods, such as whether there are singleton twins, whether the calf is alive, and the development of corpus luteum follicles. More veterinarians use ultrasound instead of palpation because it is easier and can detect pregnancy earlier.

The importance of using B-ultrasound machine to detect pregnancy in cows

Many beef producers conduct pregnancy tests on their cows after the breeding season so that they can sell open cows. Discovering cows with multiple open heads may also indicate the presence of disease issues, so it is important to detect this as early as possible.

The methods of pregnancy examination include rectal palpation (feeling the uterus through the rectal wall), bovine ultrasound machine, and blood test. Today, more veterinarians use ultrasound instead of palpation because it is easier and they can detect pregnancy earlier (as early as 28 days of pregnancy). If cows are examined in early pregnancy, they can also determine the gender of the calf and evaluate the survival ability of the fetus.

There are two methods for ultrasound examination - using traditional arm in rectal probes or using updated extended arm probes that do not require inserting the arm into each cow. The advantage of the extended arm device is that it is easier for people undergoing pregnancy testing.

Most dairy farmers know how much it costs to raise a cow a year, and they don't want to feed expensive hay to cows that won't have calves next spring. Similarly, the value of a cow depreciates with age. If it is worth 10000 yuan as a breeding heifer, and its residual value is only 5000 yuan when you eliminate it, a cow usually depreciates every year. Considering the cost of raising cows, there are feed, pasture, irrigation costs, vaccines, veterinary costs, depreciation of cows, etc. If you have 100 cows and 5 empty cows, then these 5 empty cows will increase the breeding cost.

The results of cow pregnancy detection using B-ultrasound machine are very accurate, and even beginners can easily grasp them. It is common to use a B-ultrasound machine to detect 160 to 170 cows per hour.


tags: cow ultrasound machine B-ultrasound machine
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