Boxerly Veterinary ultrasound Equipment

Industry News

The advantages and disadvantages of animal B super hardware processor

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Update time : 2024-09-09 08:42:06

The traditional embedded system based on the animal B micro processor usually has the following disadvantages:

(1) The design is difficult. Using serial instruction execution mode, the working speed of animal B-ultrasound system is limited, and it cannot meet the increasing demand of data processing. Although multi-processor parallel coordination work can improve this situation, multi-processing parallel work will make PCB design and software development become extremely complicated.

(2) It is difficult to upgrade. Animal B ultrasound embedded system is generally designed and developed for a specific field at a specific time, and once it needs to be upgraded, especially when it involves upgrading the microprocessor, the software and hardware must be completely redesigned.

(3) Long development cycle. The development of veterinary B-ultrasound software must wait for the hardware development to a certain stage before it can be carried out, and the program developed according to specific hardware has poor portability, which leads to the increase of repetitive work in software writing.

Nios II processor is a multi-stage pipeline technology for SC architecture, most instructions can be completed in one clock cycle. In the case of sufficient on-chip space, designers can easily add multiple Nios II processors to the design, improving the processing power of the system. Nios II is a soft core, as long as there is enough space on the chip, the CPU can be continuously upgraded without modifying the overall circuit structure. In summary, Nios II has the following advantages:

(1) Complete development tool suite;

(2) Flexibility, tailoring:

(3) Short development cycle: the use of off-the-shelf IP core and hardware and software parallel design;

(4) Fast upgrade, never outdated: software and hardware are designed separately, with the improvement of requirements, you can change the configuration of the system at any time;

(5) Low cost, good performance, small size: only occupy FPGA internal resources, reduce PCB


tags: animal B-ultrasound
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