Using B-ultrasound to check the thickness of backfat in sows is beneficial for breeding as soon as possible
Using B-ultrasound to check the thickness of the Backfat of sows is beneficial for breeding as soon as possible. Pigs that have normal estrus and mating within about one week after weaning have better reproductive performance. For some sows with a long interval between weaning and mating, B-ultrasound should be used to detect their reproductive organs. If any problems are found, they should be dealt with in a timely manner. After this treatment, the physical condition was well restored and the production performance was also high.
In theory, without the occurrence of reproductive disorders or other diseases, as the interval between weaning and mating of sows prolongs, the use of B-ultrasound to detect the reproductive organs of sows can achieve better recovery, further adjust their physical condition, and fully unleash their production potential.
However, extending the interval between weaning and mating will lead to an increase in non productive time, a decrease in the annual number of fetuses produced by sows, and an increase in pig production costs. Therefore, in production, while strengthening the management of piglet feeding and improving the survival rate of piglets, it is also necessary to strengthen the feeding management of sows during pregnancy, lactation, and weaning. Pig B-ultrasound is often used to measure the reproductive organs and backfat thickness of sows. Ensure that weaned sows have good fat condition, so that they can estrus and mate in a timely manner, and improve efficiency.
tags: Pig B-ultrasound B-ultrasound