Design of maintenance and image acquisition module for animal B-ultrasound system
Design of the management and maintenance module for the veterinary ultrasound system, which records some parameters of the veterinary ultrasound image acquisition card. In addition, adjusting the focal length of the Veterinary Ultrasound Device probe will change the benchmark of the measurement data, so each benchmark correction value is saved together with the acquisition parameters; Complete tasks such as logging in according to permissions, adding or removing users, and setting user passwords.
System users have three types of permissions: veterinary doctors, system administrators, and clinical veterinary experts; The functions of adding, deleting, and modifying physical examination subjects, contact address dictionaries for physical examination subjects, occupational dictionaries for physical examination subjects, measurement part dictionaries, ultrasound prompt information, and diagnostic opinion information; Flexibly fill in the title, script, and font settings of the report according to the needs of the animal hospital; Implement regular backup of the system database, clear outdated data, increase system efficiency, and perform recovery when necessary.
The animal B-ultrasound image acquisition module is implemented with the acquisition card processing function, which means that the video signal of the animal B-ultrasound device image is digitally quantified by the acquisition card and stored in the computer. The video is displayed in the acquisition window, and the user can select functions such as recording, snapshot, and parameter adjustment settings through the function selection keys.
The adjusted parameters are saved in the collection parameter table of the database; The recorded video data is saved in. avi file or. mpg file format; The effective single frame veterinary ultrasound image of the snapshot is named in the form of ultrasound number+two digit number, in the format of. bmp file or The JPg file displays the Animal ultrasound images obtained from the snapshot in sequence in the view window. The implementation of the acquisition program is based on the SDK development package included in the lOMoons-2000 acquisition card, which completes the digitization process of veterinary B-ultrasound diagnostic information through API function calls and the user interface of the acquisition module.
tags: veterinary ultrasound