Veterinary B-ultrasound Equipment

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Differences in ovarian cysts in cows detected by B-ultrasound and other imaging methods

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Update time : 2024-09-12 16:47:00

Doppler ultrasound is most commonly used in humans, but it has not been reported on cows in China. But some people abroad have applied Doppler ultrasound to track the cyclic changes of follicles before ovulation in the reproduction of cows. Doppler color fluid ultrasound can obtain the flow velocity of blood on the follicle wall, which can diagnose follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts in cows. The accuracy of Doppler ultrasound in diagnosing corpus luteum cysts in cows is higher than that of ultrasound.

Differences in ovarian cysts in cows detected by B-ultrasound and other imaging methods(图1)

When diagnosing ovarian cysts in cows, there is a morphological indicator that needs to be measured, which is the thickness of the follicular wall. The diagnosis of follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts is based on whether the thickness of the follicular wall is greater than or less than 3mm as a judgment indicator. However, whether cows can measure the thickness of the follicular wall with ultrasound is limited by the diameter of the follicle. Only when the diameter of the follicle exceeds 15mm can the thickness and area of the follicular wall be measured with ultrasound.

Although B-ultrasound can measure the size of follicles in cattle, it cannot determine the thickness of the follicle wall and the reflection value of the follicle wall. The application of nuclear magnetic resonance can make accurate diagnosis based on the thickness and reflection intensity of ovarian cysts and normal ovarian walls. Nuclear magnetic resonance technology is a more accurate means of diagnosing follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts.

Magnetic resonance imaging can also filter out surrounding noise, and its resolution is better than that of ultrasound used in cows. It can even distinguish between the corpus luteum and ovarian stroma, which have almost the same reflection intensity, on the ovaries. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging is also a new technology for diagnosing cow ovaries in the future.


tags: Doppler ultrasound ultrasound B-ultrasound
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