Veterinary B-ultrasound Equipment

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B-ultrasound early pregnancy test method for sheep

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Update time : 2024-09-12 17:46:37

In sheep B-ultrasound rectal exploration, the uterine wall of pregnant ewes begins to thicken and the volume of the uterus increases significantly. No matter which exploration method is used, the uterus is relatively easy to find, but our task is to provide a basis for confirming pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the ewes see the dark area of the gestational sac and the early fetal reflection in the uterine area, it can be determined that they are pregnant in the early stage. A skilled operator can check a sheep in tens of seconds. According to the series of operations required, a typical sheep B-ultrasound image of the gestational sac was obtained on the 23rd day of pregnancy of the small-tailed Han sheep, and the fetal reflection in the gestational sac can be observed, which means that the ewe's pregnancy can be confirmed.

The circular dark area in front of and below the liquid dark area of the bladder is the early gestational sac image, the echo-free dark area in the middle is the fetal fluid, and the slightly stronger echo light group is the fetal reflection. On the 24th day of pregnancy, the fetal sac enlarges slightly, but the difference in the sheep B-ultrasound images between the two days is not obvious. With the development of the fetus, the required nutrition increases, the gestational sac increases, the fetal fluid increases, and the uterine wall further thickens.

The ultrasound images of the gestational sac on the 28th and 32nd day of pregnancy show that the gestational sac has increased significantly, the fetal reflex has increased significantly, and the fetal shape is recognizable. From the sonograms until the 40th day of pregnancy, it can be seen that during this period, the proportion of fetal fluid in the gestational sac is relatively large, and the sheep ultrasound can be used to measure at this stage when determining the gestational age.


tags: sheep B-ultrasound B-ultrasound sheep ultrasound
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