Veterinary B-ultrasound Equipment

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Observation of changes in water buffalo after live egg collection using OPU live egg collection instrument

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Update time : 2024-09-18 11:39:35

Changes in follicular development of buffalo ovaries before and after live egg collection. The follicular development of 40 Mora and Nili Lafite water buffaloes before and after live egg collection was observed using the OPU live egg collection instrument. A total of 935 follicles were observed in the experiment, and it was found that the follicles in the buffalo ovaries were still mainly small follicles with a diameter of 2-5mm. The proportions of small follicles, medium follicles, and large follicles were 85.98%, 8.88%, and 5%, respectively 56%.

Opu Live Egg Harvester


Changes in follicular development of buffalo ovaries before and after egg collection

Total number of small follicles (2-5mm), follicles (5-10mm), and large follicles (>10mm) observed in each group

First time 40 319 20 30 369

Second session 40 232 26 11 269

3rd time 40 253 35 10 297

Total 120 804 83 52 935


The effect of OPU live egg retrieval instrument on different batches of live egg retrieval. Twenty Mora and Nili Lafi water buffaloes were collected three times in a row, and a total of 935 visible follicles were punctured. The results of the egg collection are shown in the table below.

The effect of live egg collection on the quality of buffalo oocytes


The OPU live oocyte collection instrument is used to evaluate the in vitro fertilization effect of buffalo oocytes collected in vivo. After 48 hours of in vitro fertilization, the division rate of 462 buffalo oocytes collected was 55.63%. The division rate of oocytes recovered from the first collection was significantly lower than that of the second and third collections, which were 46.67%, 58.82%, and 62.50%, respectively; The blastocyst rates of oocytes collected from various batches of live organisms after in vitro fertilization were 18.79%, 16.99%, and 25.00%, respectively, with no significant difference (P>0.05).


Comparison of live egg collection and in vitro fertilization of different breeds of water buffalo using OPU live egg collection instrument. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the number of follicles that could be collected per head, the number of oocytes recovered per head, the number of oocytes available per head, and the recovery rate between Mora and Nili Lafi water buffaloes. The blastocyst rates of oocytes collected from Mora and Nili Lafi water buffaloes after in vitro fertilization were 21.25% and 18.92%, respectively, and the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The results are shown in the table below.


tags: OPU live egg OPU
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